Saturday 6 February 2021

जानिए क्या है करंसी मैनिपुलेशन मॉनिटरिंग और अमेरिका ने भारत को इस लिस्ट में क्यों डाल दिया!


निर्धारित पैरामीटर 20 अरब डॉलर से अधिक है। साथ ही भारत का फॉरेन एक्सचेंज का नेट पर्चेज 64 अरब डॉलर रहा जो 2.4 फीसदी है। दो पैरामीटर लागू होने के चलते भारत को करंसी मैनिपुलेशन मॉनिटरिंग (Currency manipulation) की लिस्ट में रखा गया है 

हाल ही में अमेरिका ने भारत, ताइवान, थाईलैंड, चीन, जर्मनी, इटली, सिंगापुर और मलेशिया जैसे देशों को करंसी मैनिपुलेटर की लिस्ट में डाल दिया है। करीब डेढ़ साल पहले भी भारत को इस लिस्ट में डाला गया था और अब फिर से भारत को इस लिस्ट में डाल दिया गया है। आइए समझते हैं कि आखिर भारत ने ऐसा क्या किया कि उसे इस लिस्ट में डाला गया। जानते हैं कि क्या होता है करंसी मैनिपुलेशन (Currency manipulation) और अमेरिका किन देशों को इस लिस्ट में डालता है।

क्या है करंसी मैनिपुलेशन?

जब भी अमेरिका को ऐसा लगता है कि कोई देश गलत तरीके से कोई करंसी प्रैक्टिस कर रहा है, जिससे अमेरिकी डॉलर की कीमत पर असर पड़ रहा है तो अमेरिकी सरकार का ट्रेजरी डिपार्टमेंट उस देश को करंसी मैनिपुलेटर का लेबल दे देता है। यानी इसमें देश जानबूझकर अपनी करंसी की वैल्यू को किसी तरह कम करता है, जिससे दूसरे देशों की करंसी के मुकाबले फायदा होता है। बता दें कि विदेशी करंसी को डी-वैल्यू करने से उस देश की निर्यात में लगने वाली लागत कम हो जाती है।

3 पैरामीटर से तय होता है करंसी मैनिपुलेशन

करंसी मैनिपुलेटर का लेबल देने के लिए अमेरिका ने 3 पैरामीटर तय किए हैं। अगर किसी देश पर इन तीन में से 2 पैरामीटर भी लागू हो गए तो अमेरिका उसे अपनी मॉनिटरिंग लिस्ट में डाल देता है। अगर तीनों पैरामीटर लागू हो जाते हैं तो उस देश को करंसी मैनिपुलेटर का लेबल दे दिया जाता है। अभी अमेरिका ने करंसी मैनिपुलेशन मॉनिटरिंग की लिस्ट में 8 देश रखे हैं, जबकि 2 देशों को करंसी मैनिपुलेटर घोषित कर दिया है।

करंसी मैनिपुलेशन के ये हैं 3 पैरामीटर

अमेरिका से उस देश के बायलेटरल ट्रेड सरप्लस एक साल की अवधि के दौरान 20 अरब डॉलर से ज्यादा होना।

2- करंट अकाउंट सरप्लस का 12 महीने के अंदर देश की GDP का कम से कम 2 फीसदी होना।

3- साल भर में कम से कम 6 बार फॉरेन एक्सचेंज नेट पर्चेज का जीडीपी का 2 फीसदी होना।

इस लिस्ट में आने से क्या होता है नुकसान?

वैसे तो किसी भी देश पर इस लिस्ट में डाले जाने का कोई असर नहीं पड़ता है, लेकिन ग्लोबल फाइनेंशियल मार्केट में उस के लिए नेगेटिव सेंटिमेंट पैदा हो सकते हैं, जिसकी वजह से कुछ नुकसान हो सकता है।

What Happens When You Die?

    Different religions throughout the world claim to understand what happens to us after we die. Scientists are not as certain. They can explain, of course, what happens in and to our bodies at the moment of death and just after.

    To doctors, clinical death comes when the heart goes into cardiac arrest, which can occur from a variety of causes—from a car accident to illness. In effect, most of us die from cardiac arrest. The heart stops beating, cutting off the flow of blood, and thus oxygen, to the brain. Next comes biological death, as the brain, other organs, and cells stop functioning because of a lack of oxygen.

   Before reaching that point, however, in  the window between clinical and biological death, doctors have been able to start the heart beating again, thus preventing death, or irreversible brain damage due to lack of oxygen. Thanks to research over the past several decades, doctors can now revive people whose hearts have stopped beating for as long as two hours, without any brain damage.

  Sam Parnia, who studies heart resuscitation at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, says doctors now know that some cells, including brain cells, can function without oxygen for longer periods than once thought. After cardiac arrest, Parnia says, people enter a “gray zone, where death can be reversed.” The key is chilling the body by about seven degrees as quickly as possible, so doctors can begin the resuscitation process.

   Parnia’s work has convinced him that even after cardiac arrest has led the brain to shutdown, a person’s consciousness can remain intact for up to several hours, though in what Parnia calls a hibernated state. That fact could explain the “neardeath experiences” (NDEs) some revived patients report. But beyond those few hours, most researchers believe, consciousness disappears, since, as scientist Richard Dawkins has said, the brain creates consciousness. Without a functioning brain, there can be no consciousness.

    Not all scientists, though, share this view. Dr. Robert Lanza believes that quantum physics allows for the possibility that human consciousness is separate from the brain, and that consciousness continues after the body dies. Space and time are not external realities, he argues, but products of our consciousness. The world, in reality, has no space or time, and “death does not exist in a timeless, spaceless world.”

  Whatever religions teach about life after death, it’s clear science is still trying to solve the mystery of what happens after we die. David Wilde, a British research scientist studying NDEs said in 2014, “We are still very much in the dark about what happens when you die ….”

How Were the Pyramids Built?


The pyramids built by the ancient Egyptians are among the most well known and celebrated in the world. Egyptians engineered the model for what most of us consider the classic pyramid design: a square base and four smooth triangular sides.

 The awesome design and massive size of the pyramids have evoked some fanciful explanations. Some people have suggested that inhabitants of the legendary Atlantis extraterrestrials built them, while others claim levitation was used or that the Egyptians possessed a now-lost, unique technology to help them erect the remarkable structures. Indeed, there is no known Egyptian hieroglyph or relief or any surviving written account from that time depicting the building of the pyramids. For centuries, Egyptologists, scientists, engineers, writers, and mathematicians have theorized how the pyramids were built. All agree, however, about the basic techniques of pyramid construction.

   Copper chisels were used to quarry softn rocks such as sandstone and limestone, while dolerite, a hard, black igneous rock, was used on granite and diorite. The blocks were transported from quarries usually located in Aswan to the construction sites down the Nile River on rafts or barges during the rainy season.

  Without knowledge of the wheel, pyramid builders used teams of oxen or manpower to drag the stones—many civilization, the biblical Noah, and even weighing more than 60 tons (54,431 kg)— on a smoothed, level surface built from the Nile to the construction site. The stones were pulled on sleds or on rolling logs, and the roadways may have been lubricated with oil or water.

  The big debate of archaeologists, scientists, and professionals centers upon exactly how the massive stone blocks were lifted to the top of the pyramid as it was constructed upward. Extant ramps—made of mud, brick, earth, or rubble mixed with fragments of brick for added stability and strength—have been found at several pyramid sites over the years. Some Egyptologists theorize that side ramps could have been erected, spiraling around the four sides of the structure, while others suggest a steep staircase-type ramp. Some propose a straight, sloping ramp built from the ground to each side, which was constantly raised as the pyramid rose. One recent theory suggests that two types of ramps were used: an external ramp to build the bottom portion of the pyramid and an internal ramp to complete the structure.

  Recently discovered tombs of pyramid workers indicate that the structures were built by paid laborers, rather than by slaves as previously believed. Many of the laborers were farmers and local villagers, who considered it a high honor to work for their god-king rulers and build their monuments. The workers were provided food, clothing, and decent housing, and many received tax breaks and other perks for their efforts. Modern Egyptologists estimate as many as 30,000 laborers worked on a single pyramid.

  Whatever the exact construction process, it is undeniable that the ancient Egyptians engineered some of humankind’s most massive and aweinspiring building projects. Archaeologists are certain that they achieved their success without supernatural aid—and certainly without the assistance of alien beings.

Why Do We Have Fingerprints?

    Many scientists once thought fingerprints help us hold onto objects. From an evolutionary perspective, getting a better grip on tools or weapons would have made life easier for early humans. In 2009, Dr. Roland Ennos of Manchester University designed an experiment that tested the gripping power of our fingerprints. He used a machine equipped with weights to pull strips of Perspex, a kind of acrylic, across a subject’s fingertips. The machine measured the amount of friction created as the acrylic passed over the tip. In the real world, a high amount of friction between two solid objects in contact with each other would indicate a better grip. In the experiment, the fingertips created some friction on the acrylic, but not as much as Ennos had expected.

    Ennos compares our fingerprints to the tires on a race car. Ridges in the tire reduce the surface area of the tire in contact with the road, which reduces friction. The ridges on fingertips have the same effect. Smooth skin has more surface area and so more friction when in contact with an object than fingerprints do. Where fingerprints might provide more grip, Ennos suggested, is when we grab objects with rough surfaces. The ridges on the fingertip extend into the object’s depressions and increase the contact area.

  At almost the same time Ennos was doing his research, a team of French scientists suggested a possibility for why we have fingerprints. They think fingerprints help gather information about objects we touch and send signals about them to the brain via the nervous system. In their study, the scientists outfitted one artificial hand with grooves on its tips to simulate fingerprints. Another robotic hand had smooth “skin.” The hand with the fingerprints was much more sensitive to different surface textures. According to Georges Debrègeas, who helped lead the study, “We believe that fingerprints actlike antennas, amplifying the signal.”

  Other theories about the possible role of fingerprints suggest that they help to divert water and keep our hands dry or that they prevent blisters. To support that second theory, Ennos notes we rarely get blisters on our fingers or the other parts of the body with natural ridges, such as the palms of our hands and the soles of our feet. The ability to pin down what role our fingerprints actually play could help scientists develop more lifelike prosthetic hands.

Sunday 20 January 2019

How Do Stars Explode?

    Supernovas can occur in one of two ways: through a process of runaway nuclear fusion or through a rapid collapse of the star’s core.
 The first process occurs in binary star systems where at least one star is a white dwarf, a dense, aging star that can no longer support nuclear fusion. The secondstar can be another white dwarf, a redgiant, or a main sequence star such as our own Sun, that fuses hydrogen atoms to form helium atoms at its core. In either case, the white dwarf siphons off (or collides with) the mass of its companion star, reigniting nuclear fusion. Once the white dwarf reignites, it gets so hot so fast that it blows apart, outshining an entire galaxy and leaving no remnant behind.
  Less luminous, though no less spectacular, are core collapse supernovas.Instead of exploding in a runaway fusion reaction, this type of supernova occurs when the star’s fusion reaction grinds to a halt. For most of a star’s life, it burns by fusing hydrogen atoms. This is the sameprocess that ignites thermonuclear weapons. Eventually, the star converts most of its hydrogen into helium. The starthen must fuel itself by fusing helium intocarbon. If the star is heavy enough—about eight times the mass of the Sun—it will then proceed to fuse carbon into neon and helium. The star continues to fuse heavier and heavier elements until it reaches theiron phase.

    It’s during the iron phase that things getreally heavy. Fusing iron does not producemore energy—in fact, iron fusion requiresenergy. Without the fusion pressure thatcounteracted the star’s gravity, the core ofthe star, which is approximately the size of Earth, collapses into a space less than 10 miles (16 km) in diameter at about one- quarter light speed. When the stellar massbounces back into space (crashing into theouter shell of the doomed star), theresultant shock wave is what we on Earthwitness as a supernova.
 Upon going supernova, the star may tear itself apart entirely or leave behind an extremely dense neutron star. If the core ofthe star is heavy enough, the supernovaleaves behind one of the most mysteriousobjects in the known universe: a blackhole.

Saturday 19 January 2019

How Much of the HumanBody Is Replaceable?


    Fans of the old TV shows and saw scientists revive nearly dead human beings, bringing them back to life with high-tech body parts that gave them extraordinary capabilities. Today, replacing parts of the human body using state-of-the-art technology is moving out of the realm of science fiction and into reality.
  Replacement of body parts means transplanting organs and tissues from one person to another or using artificial body parts. Organs currently transplanted are the heart, kidneys, liver, lungs, pancreas, and intestines. Tissues and cells include the corneas, cartilage, muscles, tendons, ligaments, skin, and heart valves (mechanical versions of the valves are also used).
  Artificial limbs and organs can replace parts throughout the body. Doctors commonly replace knees and hips, along with finger, elbow, and shoulder joints. Cochlear implants are electronic devices that restore hearing, and researchers are currently testing a new brain implant that can help patients who lack functioning auditory nerves. Prosthetic noses, hands,  arms, and legs are available; artificial legs
are among the most sophisticated prosthetics today, and researchers continue to improve “bionic” hands with an almost human sense of touch. One, the bebionic3, has 14 different grip patterns, including  ones that allow users to pick up a coin or write with a pen.
  The science of developing artificial body parts is constantly changing. In 2014, hospitals across the United States tested a “bioartificial” liver that combines liver cells and a mechanical device that together perform liver functions outside the body while a patient’s diseased liver regenerates healthy tissue. Researchers in Japan and elsewhere are developing 3-D printers that combine stem cells and artificial materials to custom-make artificial ears. The Japanese team hopes to also create skin and bones using this method.
  Scientists are also working to grow real replacement parts in the lab. Doris Taylor of the Texas Heart Institute is one of the pioneers in using stem cells to create such body parts as hearts, livers, and kidneys for transplants. Taylor says, “I absolutely see a day where you’ll walk into a manufacturing facility somewhere, and there will be jars of kidneys, jars of livers, and jars of lungs, whatever it is you need.”

जानिए क्या है करंसी मैनिपुलेशन मॉनिटरिंग और अमेरिका ने भारत को इस लिस्ट में क्यों डाल दिया!

  निर्धारित पैरामीटर 20 अरब डॉलर से अधिक है। साथ ही भारत का फॉरेन एक्सचेंज का नेट पर्चेज 64 अरब डॉलर रहा जो 2.4 फीसदी है। दो पैरामीटर लागू ह...