Tuesday 30 October 2018

Why does blotting paper absorb ink?


  It is mainly a question of the surface  of the paper. A very hard, very smoothly  glazed paper will scarcely absorb any ink.   If we write on such a paper, the ink takes a long time to dry; and what makes the  writing Is simply layer of the solid matier  left by the ink. This layer lies on the outside of the paper, and can almost be scraped away.    All other papers absorb ink to some extent. The drying of the ink means that the water of it has evaporated into the air, while the solids that were dissolved in it remain in or on the paper. But a paper  of loose texture, with a rough,  unfinished surface, like  blotting-paper, absorbs ink  just as sponge sucks up water.  The water of the ink, instead .   of mainly remaining on the outside of the paper until it dries, runs into the substance .  of the paper, according to the  amount of ink we use. That  is why the letters are not sharply defined when we  write on blotting-paper.

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