Sunday 28 October 2018

Can anything boil when it is cold?

   Boiling is the changing of a liquid into vapour, or gas; and the temperature at which this happens iS called the boiling point of the substance.  The bailing point of water is generally given as 100℃, but the  according to the pressure  Water will bail at a lower temperature at the top of a mountain than at sea leveI At the top of Mont Blanc, for instance, water boils at 85℃. Some substances boil al a very much higher temperature than water. Gold, for instance,  melts  or becomes liquid, at 1063' ℃, and boils at 2600℃. Copper melts    at    1083' ℃ and boils at  2300 ℃ Silicon, which forms about a quarter of the Earth's crust, melts at 1420 ℃ and bails at 2600 ℃. Tin melts at 231 ℃ and boils at 2260 ℃. These are substances that are solid in the ordinary temperatures at which we live Mercury, or quicksilver, which is normally a  Iiquid,  boils at  37 ℃.   When we come to substances that are gases at ordinary temperatures, we find that their boiling point is very low. Hydrogen boils, or changes from the liquid into the gaseous slate, at minus 2530 ℃ . Fluorine boils at minus 187 ℃ centigrade; nitrogen at minus 196o; and oxygen at -183℃ .

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