Saturday 27 October 2018

How did the days get their names?

   It is often said that the days of the week were named after the planets of our solar system and the Sun and the Moon. 
It is much more likely that the days as well as the planets were named by the early peoples after their Gods.   Before the telescope was invented, men Could see only five planets, but they believed that the Sun and Moon were planets, making seven in all. Since seven was regarded as a magic number in those days, it may have seemed especially fitting to make the days of the week seven in number.    The names of the days as we know them in English came from the early Saxon or Norse day names. Sunday, of course, was the Sun's day. Monday was named after the Moon. Tuesday took its name from the Norse God of waf, Tiw, who was much like the Roman God, Mars. Wednesday was named for the Saxon God, Woden, who corresponded to the Roman God, Mercury. Thursday was Thor's day- Thor was the Norse Jove or Jupiter. Friday was named for the Saxon Venus-Freya-the goddess of beauty. Saturday is Saturn's day.i

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