Tuesday 30 October 2018

What is El Nino? How does it affect the climate?

    In June 1982, aceanographers noticed a temperature rise in the surface waters of the eastern and central Pacific. The change, though barely discernible, marked the start of the most extensive Climatic disturbance on record, affecting places as far apart as Chile and Alaska, Indonesia and New York. According to climatolagists, the freakish weather worldwide sprang from conditions that give rise on a smaller scale to El Nino (the Christ Child), a periodic weather patlern that appears off South America shortly after late December. 

Scientists are now trying to determine how El Nina relates to the Southern Oscillatlon, a major seesawing in temperature and atmospheric pressure across the southern Pacific.   According to theory, El Nino arises when the trade winds slacken. Normally, these winds blow loward Asia, piling up water in thewestern Pacific. If lhey die down, warm'  water flows back toward South America,  displacing the cold Humboldt Current,  which travels up the coast carrying  nutrients vital to the marine food chain.  As a result, fish and bird life af e decimated  and the Peruvian anthovy and guano  industries ruined. Sometimes the trade  winds give out altogether, and associated  changes In air pressure brings torrential rains to Peru and Ecuador and drought to indonesia and Australia at the other end.  A major reversal in the seesaw would even affect weather in the Northern Hemisphere. The El Nino occurs due to abnormal transfer of heal between the ocean and atmosphere-but just what causes this imbalance is yet to be known completely. So far, researchers are nowhere near a complete analysis of the El Nino cycle.

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