Monday 24 December 2018

Alcohol - How Over Consumption Affects Your Body?


  Alcohol addiction commonly known as alcoholism is a fairly common problem that has shown to affect people from every walk of life. Scientists have tried to pinpoint the absolute cause behind alcoholism, but to no success. Certain factors like sex, genetic, and socioeconomic factors have shown to have some effect on alcoholism. The cause of alcoholism is never singular. Alcohol addiction is indeed a disease, where a person may not have full control over his actions and is seen to change the neurochemistry of the brain.
  The symptoms of alcohol addiction can be seen in many ways and the severity of the situation varies from person to person. Other factors such as the frequency of consumption may also be specific. While some people are heavy drinkers and drink throughout the day; others may drink occasionally and remain sober for a few days.
  A person who is dependent on alcohol will prioritise drinking over other essential activities and will eventually cause disruption in his social life, work or other areas of his life. It can also create a negative effect in the victim’s life along with their families and their near and dear ones.
  What are the signs of alcohol addiction and alcohol abuse?
   The signs and symptoms of alcoholism or addiction are rather conspicuous. Since drinking alcohol is common in social events in most cultures around the world, it becomes difficult to recognise when someone is addicted to alcohol, unlike drugs like cocaine and heroin.

 The physical signs of alcohol abuse include:
   Loss of control over the quantity of alcohol consumed.Lack of adequate sleep, followed by overcompensation for sleep.Expression of anger and other negative behaviours my increase in inappropriate places and situations.Lack of proper attention towards the priorities in life.

 How does alcohol affect the body?
   Chronic abuse of alcohol can have negative effects on almost every part of your body and plays havoc in your system. Alcohol is liable to cause irreversible damage to several organs of the body which is vital for sustenance:
Nervous system, Stomach or
Intestines, Liver,Heart, Brain

Alcoholism in itself can lead to several diseases like:

 High blood pressureCancerIncreased incidences of osteoporosis, especially in womenSexual issues

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